If you have an issue with your pool fencing, it may be more urgent than you think. Although it might just seem like a cosmetic problem, if there are children in your house (or even in your neighbourhood), then your damaged fence could allow them access to your pool and put their safety at risk. This is why there are strict rules in place when it comes to the maintenance of pool fences. If your fence doesn’t comply, you will face fines.
So, when you add these risks on top of the inconvenience of a broken fence, it’s time to call the experts.
Who Are Brisbane Aluminium Pool Fencing?
For a repair job that’s quick, thorough, and affordable, Brisbane Aluminium Pool Fencing are the company to call. We’ve been servicing all of Brisbane for over a decade, and have the testimonials to prove our commitment to great service. Whether residential or commercial, we offer the most cost-effective repairs on all pool fences, without sacrificing on quality. With a friendly team of licensed, insured specialists and a registration to SPASA Queensland (Swimming Pool and Spa Association), we guarantee a finished product that both looks stylish and adheres to legislation.
What Are Our Fencing Options?
Despite the name, we don’t just construct and repair aluminium fences. We also work with glass and timber options, which have their benefits too. Although aluminium is best for rust, corrosion, and fade resistance, as well as giving a traditional look in a range of colours, glass can be just as good for unobstructed views and easy maintenance. However, timber adds more privacy and is very versatile in how it can be prepared to suit the style of your home.
So, whether you’re considering a replacement, or just need a minor fix, call Brisbane Aluminium Pool Fencing on 0413 356 844 for more guidance.