Wherever you are in Brisbane, there are many issues that could disrupt your pool fence and cause you to seek out repairs. From weather damage knocking out panels, to rust or corrosion affecting latches and hinges, it’s not uncommon to see these problems when old materials are left out in the elements.

However, regardless of whether it’s a personal or public pool, there are good reasons to make sure your fencing is properly maintained. As tempting as it may be to ignore damages or organise cheap repairs that won’t last, this might not cut it in the eyes of the law.

Why it’s Important to Maintain Your Fencing

Whether you have children on your property or not, there are strict legislations to think of when it comes to securing a pool. Without a compliant fence, you run the risk of endangering any children who come to visit, or find their way onto your land. Not to mention, you could also be in danger of incurring fines! This is why it’s always a good idea to hire installers who know the laws, as well as being fully insured and preferably registered with a reputable association.

How Brisbane Aluminium Pool Fencing Can Help

As members of SPASA Queensland, with over a decade of experience, Brisbane Aluminium Pool Fencing can help with any kind of repair work you may need. Whether your fence needs fixing or replacing, we have the extensive knowledge of legislative requirements necessary to assure that your fence is fully compliant, keeping you fine free! Aluminium, glass, and timber fences all fall under our specialty, and our friendly team is ready to answer any question you might have.

So, if you’d like a pool fence repair service that checks all the boxes at an affordable price, just call us today on 0413 356 844.